How To Install A Vinyl Carpet Runner On Straight Stairs

Are you looking to find flooring that is more kid-friendly? Learn more about choosing the right type of flooring for kids.

How To Install A Vinyl Carpet Runner On Straight Stairs

18 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to make your straight carpeted stairs safer, add a vinyl carpet runner. A vinyl carpet runner is a transparent strip attached to the edges of the carpet, which allows you to see the carpet below.

A vinyl carpet runner also helps the carpet last longer by protecting it from wear and tear. They can be installed by a beginning DIY enthusiast. Here are some tips to install a vinyl carpet runner on straight carpeted stairs.

Prepare to Work

For this project, you need:

  • vacuum
  • carpet cleaner (optional)
  • tape measure
  • yard stick
  • chalk
  • heavy scissors or craft knife
  • damp cotton cloth
  • sand paper
  • vinyl carpet runner

Vacuum the stairs, wipe off dust with a damp cloth, and then let the carpet dry. Use a carpet cleaner to remove stains, if needed.

Buy a vinyl runner that suits the type of carpet. Opt for a runner with short studs for a low-pile carpet, and choose a runner with longer studs for a high-pile carpet. Pile refers to the height and thickness of carpet fibers.

Measure the Vinyl Runner

Roll out one end of the runner, and check it for uneven or frayed edges. If the edges are frayed, sand them until they are smooth. To make the runner even, place a yard stick on the runner edge, and cut it with a heavy scissors or a craft knife.

Measure each step individually, since steps may vary in depth or width. Measure the vinyl runner width, and measure the top stair width. Deduct the runner measurement from the stair measurement. Divide this number by two to calculate the space on each side of the runner to help you center it on the stair.

For example, if your stair measures 25 inches, and the runner measures 30 inches, subtract 25 from 30, which is 5. Divide five by two to get 2.5 inches. Measure, and mark this number on the step with chalk.

Install the Vinyl Runner

Vinyl runners have gripping spikes that adhere to the carpet to keep it from sliding. Cut the pieces of the vinyl runner to fit each step with scissors or a craft knife. Cutting the runner into custom pieces removes the need to drape the runner over stairs, which requires nails or screws to secure.

Center the runner on the step using the chalk marks as guides. Move the runner to the front and the back to help sink the teeth into the carpet. Repeat the process for the remaining stairs, and smooth the runner with your hands, if needed.

Installing a vinyl carpet runner on straight stairs doesn't require advanced DIY skills. If you don't trust yourself to install it, or you want to install new carpet, contact a carpet installation service, like Olden Paint & Fresh Look Flooring.

About Me
Choosing Better Flooring

After we started renovating our home, I realized that we needed to choose flooring that would be a little more kid-friendly. We had been using cream-colored carpet, but it didn't stand up well against the children at all. Within no time, the carpet was gray, dingy, and stained from foot traffic. To ward off problems in the future, we opted for a dark-colored hardwood flooring that already looked distressed. After it was installed, we were amazed with how incredible it looked. This blog is for anyone out there who has children and is thinking about buying new flooring for their home.
