Choose Flooring For Your New Childcare Facility

Are you looking to find flooring that is more kid-friendly? Learn more about choosing the right type of flooring for kids.

Choose Flooring For Your New Childcare Facility

31 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If a home nearby your residence recently became vacant and you have decided to purchase it and convert it into a childcare facility, the type of flooring that is found within the premises will have a bearing on how minimal damage or cleanup issues will ultimately be. Assess the current flooring and choose upgrades that will promote a clean and welcoming area for youngsters to learn and play.

Decide If Coverings Are Salvageable

A smooth, durable surface or one that is padded and that can withstand liquid and dry spills will work best for your center. Upon conducting a walk-through of the premises, inspect vinyl, tile, or carpeted areas. Determine the craftsmanship and installation method of a particular floor covering by looking for tears, the adequate lineup of pieces, and the finishing process that was used to create a border and attach the edges of the material over the subflooring.

For instance, if one or more rooms contain carpeting that is thick, but that possesses some sparse patches or ragged edges that are secured by staples or hardware, these are red flags that may prompt you to have a contractor come in and remove the damaged covering and replace it with a new floor covering. 

Choose the Purpose of Each Room

Each room in the daycare center will serve a purpose, and before a flooring contractor and crew comes in to complete some upgrades, decide how your daycare will be set up. You'll likely use some rooms for instructional purposes and some for group or solo play activities.

For the educational rooms, you can have a dual floor covering installed if you would like to use a hard flooring surface for art projects or hands-on learning activities and a softer one for group reading sessions, live skits, and other learning activities that will be well-suited for a padded floor covering. For the play areas, choose polyurethane flooring or foam pieces that can be laid out or attached together, to minimize bumps and bruises during play sessions that involve a lot of running around or climbing.

Let a flooring contractor know how each room will be utilized, including the number of children who you plan on serving and the amount of space that will be reserved for each activity. After providing a contractor with your vision, plans will be made that will furnish your daycare with the flooring styles that you have specified.

About Me
Choosing Better Flooring

After we started renovating our home, I realized that we needed to choose flooring that would be a little more kid-friendly. We had been using cream-colored carpet, but it didn't stand up well against the children at all. Within no time, the carpet was gray, dingy, and stained from foot traffic. To ward off problems in the future, we opted for a dark-colored hardwood flooring that already looked distressed. After it was installed, we were amazed with how incredible it looked. This blog is for anyone out there who has children and is thinking about buying new flooring for their home.
